Afterschool Supper
San Diego Hunger Coalition provides free hands-on technical assistance for school districts and nonprofits to start serving Afterschool Supper. Our experienced team assesses financial feasibility, builds consensus amongst stakeholders (e.g. parents, board members, custodians), and helps districts with grant writing for start-up costs.
Afterschool Supper ensures kids have adequate energy for homework and active play . . . and that they won’t go to bed hungry.
Children eat lunch hours before afterschool programs begin, and sometimes as early as 10:30 am. They need more than a small snack to maintain their energy and focus through the afternoon. Through the federal Child and Adult Care Food Program (CACFP), schools and nonprofits can be fully reimbursed for serving free, healthy meals in low-income communities at sites that offer afterschool programs.
Serving meals afterschool and out-of-school time is easy!
Do you offer educational or enrichment activities after school or when school is not in session?
Are you willing to serve nutritionally balanced meals and snacks?
If you answered YES, you might be able to participate in the Afterschool Meals program and receive reimbursement for meals and snacks served at your site!
Contact one of our Child Hunger Specialists for more information, technical assistance and hands-on support!
Benefits of Afterschool Supper:
Alleviates food insecurity amongst children (1 in 5 kids in San Diego County).
Help enrichment activities maintain attendance.
Improve children’s behavior and support learning.
Improved health and academic outcomes.
Schools and nonprofits can serve both an afterschool meal AND a snack!
based on 2015-2016 school year
Since 2015, San Diego Hunger Coalition has helped start new meal programs at 59 schools and nonprofits, reaching an estimated 4,700 low-income children each week with additional healthy meals.