Hunger Free San Diego
Leading the Fight Against Hunger in Our Region
Spearheaded by the San Diego Hunger Coalition, Hunger Free San Diego is a collaboration of agencies leading the fight against hunger in our region. Our goal is to end hunger in San Diego County through an interwoven safety net of food assistance resources.
What do we mean by Hunger Free?
In a Hunger Free San Diego County, anyone who experiences a time of food insecurity can readily access timely, adequate, and appropriate assistance that is sufficient to see them safely through their time of need.
Who participates in Hunger Free San Diego?
Hunger Free San Diego enables a broad range of local hunger relief leaders to learn from each other and unite behind strategies to end hunger in our community.
The Hunger Free San Diego Advisory Board is comprised of more than 30 decision-makers and experts representing emergency food providers, social service agencies, government agencies, healthcare providers, school districts, early education providers, researchers, funders, and other aligned collaboratives.
For a list of Advisory Board members, please click here.
What does Hunger Free San Diego work on?
Currently, Hunger Free San Diego is conducting research that will provide an in-depth look at the landscape of hunger and hunger relief services in San Diego County. In addition to providing a better understanding of the types of food assistance available and current gaps, the report will identify funding opportunities that are underutilized in our region.
Once the initial research phase is complete, Hunger Free San Diego will use the information to help hunger relief organizations, government agencies, policymakers and funders engage in collaborative planning.
Hunger Free San Diego will also use this data to build widespread public support for greater investment in the most promising solutions to hunger. Hunger Free San Diego will then continue to lead countywide task forces or create new partnerships to build a more effective and interconnected system of food assistance resources.
Hunger in San Diego County
According to the latest research by San Diego Hunger Coalition, with guidance from the Hunger Free San Diego Advisory Board, an estimated 820,000 (1 in 4) people in San Diego County are Nutrition Insecure as of September 2024.
Become a Hunger Free Navigator
The Hunger Coalition introduces a new opportunity to learn about local food assistance resources and the best ways to connect. We invite people who are interested learning how to navigate to join us in one of two ways:
Community members interested in learning more about food insecurity, available resources and how to best connect are encouraged to participate in upcoming Hunger Free Community Navigator workshops.
Organizations interested in learning how to connect the communities they serve to food assistance resources are encouraged to join us for upcoming Hunger Free Nonprofit Navigator trainings.