SDHC aims to provide you the tools to connect to available food assistance in San Diego County. Click on the images below to learn about each food assistance program, who is eligible, and how to apply.
Types of Food Assistance
Finding Food Assistance
There are many ways to get food assistance when money is tight. Our food assistance flyers provide a description of each food assistance resource available in San Diego County. Flyers are available in 13 different languages and updated every 3 months. Below are the flyers provided for San Diego County as well as select communities.
2025 Update:
At San Diego Hunger Coalition, we are committed to helping every eligible resident in San Diego County access the food assistance they need. We understand the concerns around applying for CalFresh (SNAP/EBT) and its impact on immigration status.
We want to reassure our community that applying for CalFresh will not affect immigration status. Undocumented household members can safely opt out of the application process without disclosing their status. The recent financial assistance freeze did not apply to CalFresh and has been rescinded. We continue working with County staff to protect applicants' privacy and rights.
Currently, nearly 180,000 eligible individuals in San Diego County are not enrolled in CalFresh, leading to $59.5 million in lost economic activity.
We encourage anyone with questions to reach out to us for support. Call 619.501.7917 or email for assistance.
Important Facts for Immigrants/Refugees on Food Assistance:
The Biden Administration reversed the public charge policy changes implemented by the Trump Administration. The final rule was published in September 2022 and went into effect on December 2022. It reinforces that it is safe to access all forms of food assistance, including CalFresh/SNAP.
Your status will NOT be affected by a family member’s activity, and your receipt of benefits CANNOT impact a family member’s immigration status. For more information on public charge, please visit our pages:
What is CalFresh?
CalFresh provides extra money for groceries to help buy food while money is tight.
Learn more about the CalFresh program, who is eligible, and how to connect to benefits
What Do I Need To Know About School Meals?
Starting in school year 2022-2023, school breakfast and school lunch is free to all K-12 students in California. Though meals are free, it is still important for families to fill out their meal application forms. Check out the video to learn more about why.
Summer Meals are free for all children and meal locations can be found each year by visiting: or
SUN Bucks (Summer EBT)
SUN Bucks, also known as Summer EBT (S-EBT), is a new program to help families buy food for their school-aged children during the summer. Families will get $120 for each eligible child to buy groceries during the summer. Families must use SUN Bucks within 122 days of funds being loaded to their card. Children who get SUN Bucks can still participate in other summer meal programs.
SUN Bucks will not affect immigration status.
To learn more about this new program, please visit our page:
What is WIC?
WIC provides breastfeeding support, nutrition education, and money for healthy food for pregnant and recently pregnant women, and children ages 0-5. Watch this short video to learn more.
It’s Easy to Apply, You Don’t Have to Be In Person!
If you think you might be eligible, applying for WIC is easy and you can safely do it from home. This short video will tell you more.
Using the California WIC Card
Using WIC benefits is easy with the new WIC EBT card! This clip will show you how your card works.
Flyers & Resources
Getting Help from Food Banks and Pantries
Food pantries and distributions provide shelf-stable staples and fresh foods. They are available to all San Diego residents and many have drive-thru or home delivery options. Watch this video to find out more.
Helpful Links
Want to find a food distribution near you? Visit either one of the food bank's interactive maps below to find more information.
Where Can I Find Meals for Seniors?
Meals are available for adults aged 60 and older. Home delivered meals are available for home-bound adults aged 60 and older. Watch this video to find out how to access meals for older adults.
Flyers & Resources
Food Distribution Flyer