Hunger Free San Diego Data Dashboards
The goal of San Diego Hunger Coalition and the Hunger Free San Diego Advisory Board is to make data on hunger relief available to providers and the public in real time. We encourage you to use this data to inform your work in the sector.
We are committed to providing data on all forms of food assistance in San Diego County. Since we rely on partners all around the county to provide data on food assistance, our data is published about 5 months after the months we focus on. The timeliness of our data depends on the availability of this food assistance data and the timeliness of the providers to give us data for each month. December 2024 data should be available in late May.
Data Library
September 2024 Data
US Congressional District Dashboards
State Assembly District Dashboards
State Senate District Dashboards
San Diego City Council District Dashboards
(for analysis please see research page)
Citations and Reproduction of Data
We ask that you properly cite this work anywhere that it is shared.
Data Tables: Each data table contains a recommended citation. Please ensure that all information in the recommended citation is included when reproducing this work.
Dashboards: Each dashboard contains the San Diego Hunger Coalition logo and a citation. When reproducing this work, do not crop or alter the map in such a way that the citation and logo are not visible.
If you have any questions about the appropriate use of this data, please contact