Latest CalFresh Program Updates

CalFresh Task Force

The CalFresh Task Force, facilitated by San Diego Hunger Coalition, brings together nonprofits, community based organizations, and the County of San Diego Health & Human Services Agency to make it easier for people to apply for CalFresh, commonly known as Food Stamps.

The Task Force holds monthly meetings where members may get the most up-to-date information about the CalFresh program, share barriers and case issues they currently experience, and learn best practices for providing application assistance.

Upcoming meetings

Countywide CalFresh Task Forces will be quarterly moving forward in 2025.

As part of our ongoing efforts to enhance collaboration, efficiency, and address specific outreach efforts in the county, we have made the decision to transition from our monthly regional meetings to a more focused approach with stakeholder calls.

CalFresh Task Force Countywide:

If you have any questions or would like to join the CalFresh Task Force,
please contact the CalFresh team at