What's Left in my Fridge: Diane's Day Five

Diane committed to sharing her CalFresh Challenge story on her personal blog and we're excited to share her experiences with you. We heard about how she prepped for the week while on crutches, then got through Monday morning without her daily latte. She already felt the physical effects of her CalFresh diet by day two. Read on to see how she was feeling by day five. 

Cutting it Close

Things are getting really boring up in this here palate. It’s really hard to change up the meals enough to get interested in eating at all. I’ve had a total of twelve meals and eight of those meals have been pasta.  

The good news: After Day Five, I won’t have any more pasta to eat.

The bad news: I will still have two days left on the Challenge. What will I do for Saturday and Sunday? I have a few options.  

What's Left

Eggs – 8 more

Oatmeal – 2 packets

Milk – maybe 1/4 gallon

Chicken – 1 boneless breast

Watermelon – 2 med. wedges

Apple – 1 

Extra cash – $5.99

Part of the complication is that I am planning on going to a free street music festival for all or part of both days. Between the eggs and oatmeal, I’ve got both breakfasts covered. For both dinners, I could split the chicken breast and use the $5.99 to get some produce or rice (possibly both). Instead of lunch, I could just use the watermelon and the apple to snack on while I’m at the street fair.

That successfully gets me to the end of the Challenge - although that's cutting it much closer than I expected.