Survey Responses

This week, we sent a quick survey for some of the CalFresh Challenge Participants who might not have time for a full blog entry but still wanted to share a bit about their experience: 

Francesca’s Response:

Q1: What are some of the items you have purchased and eaten?

Salads and sandwiches have been my lunch and dinners; bananas for breakfast. I've been drinking water all day.

Q2: How's the Challenge going for you so far?

Difficult! I am in an intense training program, and the lack of food and energy is making it hard for me to focus. I also don't have energy or will do do my daily exercise regimes.

Q3: What has been the most eye opening moment?

When I realize I have to make the food that I have purchased last for days.

CMA’s Response:

Q1: What are some of the items you have purchased and eaten?

On the first day, I forgot my lunch and drink for work so I stopped by McDonalds to purchase a $1 unsweetened tea and a MC Griddle total of $4.73; then one of my peers invited me to a working lunch. He offered to pay and I agreed. (normally I would offer to pay the total check, but was proud that I didn't) For day two, I remembered to bring my lunch and snack and for dinner, we eat what I had cooked the night before. For day three, I remembered my lunch and drink and took out meatballs and sauce I froze over the weekend.

Q2: How's the Challenge going for you so far?

So far it's going okay since I stocked up on groceries on the weekend, but this morning I noticed that fresh fruit, vegies and protein is very low since my son and my teenage daughter are feeding themselves for lunch and before I get home. I will need to go shopping today.

Q3: What has been the most eye opening moment?

The restrain on eating out or inviting a friend. I really had to think about this something that I normally do not have to do. I am feeling very blessed for the job and resources I have, and can only imagine what single mothers/fathers go through.


Q1: What are some of the items you have purchased and eaten?

chick peas, brown rice, lentils, oatmeal, bananas, broccoli, organic eggs

Q2: How's the Challenge going for you so far?

OK. I've eaten on a stricter budget before. It requires forethought and discipline, so it's a commitment that takes some resources.

Q3: What has been the most eye opening moment?

I don't feel good today, so typically I would treat myself to something healthy and delicious, like a whole-food smoothie or brownie from a specialty shop. I'm not sure how to comfort myself, since I typically use good (expensive) food.