Bret's Story
Meet Bret Fisher. Bret has worked in horticulture most of his life, but is now disabled and relying on CalFresh to help put food on his table while he is unable to work. Once he is able to have surgery to relieve spinal pain, he plans to return to part-time work and practice the more creative aspects of horticulture.
Bret Fisher
At what point in your life did you receive CalFresh/SNAP (food stamps) and why? Or if you are currently enrolled in CalFresh, why did you apply for the program?
When I was a kid, there were a couple of periods in which my father was between jobs and we needed the help of food stamps, and I also had a period during my twenties when my wife and I sought the help. But my recent application for CalFresh help is the first in quite a long time. I actually didn’t realize I was eligible for any help with it, but a couple of agencies I was speaking to about other issues brought up the possibility and suggested I look into it. I’m on a very limited income and I struggle to eat well, and so I decided to apply.
How long were you/have you been on CalFresh?
My account with CalFresh just began- it was activated just a couple of days ago and I was able to buy some food with the EBT card. The San Diego Hunger Coalition was incredibly helpful to me! They did some advocacy work for me and kept in touch with me as I went along. I’m very grateful for the dedication they showed me in the application process.
How is CalFresh/SNAP helping you in your time of need?
In my own case, I don’t qualify for a high value in CalFresh benefits, but even the small amount of help I’m getting is very beneficial to me because I’m much more able to create a good diet. I do my own cooking and use a lot of raw food, since it’s both frugal and healthy. The benefits help very much, both in getting through financially and in giving me good options with my diet.
How did receiving food assistance make you feel?
Well, I’m sure I’m not alone in the idea that I’d much rather not have to seek aid. Not long ago I was working part-time and was happy to be much more self-sufficient. But having help like this is something I’m very grateful for, along with many other things in my life, in spite of my disability. I try to be charitable myself, and I believe in reciprocity and being generous to people, especially people who are having trouble getting by. I try very hard to give back.
How would you make ends meet without CalFresh?
In my case, CalFresh means I can eat a healthier diet. There have been many periods in which I was able to eat through the month by being very frugal, but my choices weren’t so healthy. CalFresh help means I have better quality in my diet, and I’m sure it will mean I’m going to enjoy better health.
Have you (or did you) use any food assistance programs in addition to CalFresh (i.e. pantries, meal delivery services, etc.)?
I have done that, yes.
What are you most proud of in your life? Or what are your dreams for the future?
I have need of surgery to relieve pain in my spine, and once I can arrange for that I hope to return to part time employment in horticulture, which is my occupation and my passion professionally. I’m at an age now where I’m due to transition away from manual labor toward more creative kinds of work in horticulture, such as designing or publishing. I have high hopes.
I know I’m not alone in facing certain painful challenges as life has gone along, and these things will test someone’s persistence and patience. I’m trying to bring the best of myself to these issues, and often I feel grateful that I’m able to grow through the difficulties and become a person I can admire. Poverty is tough. I try to face it squarely and keep a positive and grateful attitude. In the end, I believe that these difficulties have made me a more resilient and grounded person, and most importantly, I have empathy for others and love to live a life of helpfulness.
What do you want people to know about food assistance programs like CalFresh?
If you need the help of CalFresh, whether temporarily or over a long term, don’t feel badly about it. It exists for just such situations as you’re in, and it’s no shame to accept help. The agencies that administer CalFresh can be frustrating because of caseloads and such stuff, but be patient- it will work out. The San Diego Hunger Coalition is a fantastic example of an effective advocacy! They really do help you to negotiate in the situation and get access to the things you’re qualified for. And they’re terrific people, too! Very pleasant and professional.
Do you know someone who needs access to CalFresh?