2015 CalFresh Task Force Awards
/Angel Flores, CalFresh Outreach Partner of the Year, with Amanda and Marcia
The collaborative power of the CalFresh Task Force is fueled by the passion and innovation of its members. The annual CalFresh Task Force Awards honor individuals and organizations making major strides toward ending hunger in San Diego County. Awardees are nominated and selected by Task Force members.
CalFresh Community County Partnership of the Year
San Diego Food Bank, Feeding America San Diego, and Health Coverage Access
Applying for public assistance is a stigmatized and complicated process, and can be exhausting. These organizations have used a client-focused model of service to make San Diegans seeking CalFresh benefits feel welcomed and respected.
CalFresh Outreach Partner of the Year
Angel Flores, Community Resource Center
Even though the Community Resource Center in Encinitas has a small team, they were able to serve more participants in 2015 than ever before. Angel has improved CRC’s outreach by creating new partnerships in the North County community he serves. Angel has also capitalized on the County’s dedicated phone line for organizations providing CalFresh assistance and video conferencing for interviews to create a strong rapport with the residents he serves.
CalFresh County Liaison of the Year
Jennifer Cunningham, CalFresh Liaison North Inland
Jennifer uses new ideas to provide hard-to-reach populations with access to the food they need. In 2015, Jennifer partnered with the Julian Backcountry Collaborative to reach hungry households in the remote areas of Julian and organized a Grandparents Raising Grandchildren event to reach underserved, at-risk populations.