Tips for a Successful CalFresh Challenge
Since most people do not have menu ideas handed to them when they are plunged into poverty, the CalFresh Challenge is an opportunity to be creative and find resources to help you purchase and prepare your meals within the budget. However, for those of you that would like a little help, see below for a few shopping tips.
We have also included some tips for understanding and sharing your experience:
- Use pictures or short videos
- Share your “aha! moments” or other surprises in your experience
- Consider how living this way for months might be different than just for one week
- Reflect on the statistics and the different types of people who receive benefits and how this program may help them
- Talk about how this experience changes your perspective
Shopping Tips (for those who would like a little help)
Make a Plan
- Plan meals for a week and then make a list of things you need.
- Cook several meals at once and Freeze or refrigerate them for later.
- Use coupons or look for sales on healthy items.
Shop Smart to Eat Smart
- Substitute meat in some meals with more legumes, beans, eggs, tofu, and nut butters.
- Eat regular oatmeal and brown rice instead of instant.
What to Look For
- Buy fruits and vegetables in season; they are usually fresher and cheaper.
- Buy store brands. They are just as healthy as brand names, and cheaper.
- Check the costs per ounce or per pound to get better deals.
- Look for better deals on the bottom and top shelves.
- Compare unit prices