The holidays are a season of giving and of caring. Now is a good time to join the hunger relief community by donating of your time or your treasure.
If you or someone you know needs assistance during the holidays, we have resources and information available.
Below are some great resources, information, and ways to give and receive help during the holiday season:
Food Assistance During the Holidays
Support the Fight Against Hunger in San Diego
Holiday Volunteering Opportunities
Holiday assistance is always available . . .
Help is available
If you or someone you know is in need of food assistance during the holidays, 2-1-1 has a helpful list of resources.
Make a gift to end hunger in San Diego!
It’s the Season of Giving!
The holidays are a time of giving and caring, and a donation to the Hunger Coalition aids in the work to end hunger during the holidays, and all year long.
Your support will help us make sure that everyone who needs food, gets food. Together, we can build a hunger free San Diego.
Give of your time . . .
Volunteer during the holidays!
Donating your time can be just as valuable as donating your treasure. If you’re looking to volunteer this holidays season, HandsOn San Diego has a great list of volunteer opportunities in the San Diego region.
The kids are on Winter Break, make sure they eat right!
Kids are home for the holidays!
It’s wonderful having the kids home during the holidays, but it can also be a strain on household budgets, parents’ schedules, and menu ideas.
Make sure they are eating properly while school’s out. Check out the USDA’s website for ideas and helpful hints.