Together, we can make a Hunger Free San Diego.
Too many people in San Diego County experience hunger.
Because food assistance programs are underfunded and difficult to navigate, people are denied the help they need.
When people don't have enough to eat, the consequences can be devatating - physically, emotionally, financially. Kids are more likely to fall behind in school, college students are more likely to drop out, older adults are more likely to be hospitalized.
No person should ever have to face the devastating effects of food insecurity and hunger.
We help food assistance programs work better, so hungry people get the help they need when they need it.
Alongside our partners, we’re:
Making it easier to get CalFresh.
Far fewer people receive CalFresh than are eligible because, let’s face it, applying for it is hard. We work with nonprofits and community organizations to make it easier for people to receive CalFresh so they can purchase more healthy food..
Making government work for everyone.
We can't end hunger until we disrupt the systems perpetuating it. In partnership with organizations and Hunger Free Activists, we're clearing the obstacles and driving government policies to make food assistance programs work better for everyone.
Getting kids access to healthy food.
Too many children arrive to school hungry, making it tough for them to grow and learn. In collaboration with school districts, government, and nonprofits, we're ensuring that all kids have year-round access to nutritious meals where they live, learn, and play.
Creating a seamless hunger relief network.
We're leading our community to a Hunger Free San Diego through collaborative planning, data, and technology. Together, we can understand the challenges we face and funnel all of our energy in the same direction - towards data-driven solutions.
Anyone can help end hunger. Especially you.
Learn about hunger in San Diego and how we can end it.
To solve a problem, we first have to understand it. Learn about what hunger looks like in San Diego.
Share resources with people experiencing hunger.
Suspect someone you know needs help? Start here. We have resources to see everyone through COVID-19.
Get in the game, become a Hunger Free Activist.
Use your time or money to end hunger. Add your voice and join the Hunger Free Community.
We're honored to partner with school districts to make sure kids receive nutritious meals - no matter what.
You create ripples.
When you donate, you're not providing just a single meal.
You're taking a step towards ending hunger for everyone.