Hunger Relief Call-to-Action

Advocacy Recommendations to Combat Food and Nutrition Insecurity in San Diego County

As part of the advocacy efforts, the San Diego Hunger Coalition drafted a letter that outlines a series of recommendations aimed at addressing food and nutrition insecurity in San Diego County. These recommendations, submitted on behalf of the Hunger Free San Diego Advisory Board, focus on policies and actions the County can adopt to improve food access, nutrition security, and hunger relief.

Key proposals include:

  1. Redefining Hunger Relief as nutrition security, using a data-driven approach to measure and address food insecurity.

  2. Reducing CalFresh Denials and increasing outreach to immigrant communities to alleviate fears of the public charge rule.

  3. Improving Food Access in rural areas by offering financial incentives for local markets.

  4. Strengthening Local Food Systems by supporting local farmers and food distribution infrastructure.

  5. Expanding Child Nutrition Programs to ensure more children are fed during school breaks.

  6. Advancing Food as Medicine Initiatives by supporting programs that use healthy food as part of healthcare.

  7. Developing a Disaster Response Plan for food management in emergencies.

The SDHC emphasizes collaboration between government, nonprofits, and local organizations to achieve long-term food justice and community health.

Take the pledge!

When there's a need for the hunger relief community to come together, San Diego Hunger Coalition will keep you informed and give you the resources to make a difference. If you want to join our Hunger Advocacy, you can:

If you have questions or would like to get more involved, please contact us at

Take the Hunger Free San Diego Pledge

Join other San Diego individuals, community organizations, elected officials, and businesses in committing to take actionable steps towards improving nutrition security and ensuring that every San Diegan has the opportunity to lead a healthy and active life.

To sign the Elected Officials pledge, contact us at: or (619) 501-7917


Help us create a Hunger Free San Diego through policy change. By influencing local, state, and federal legislative and administrative policy, and by increasing awareness among legislators and the public about the solutions to hunger we can create measurable in San Diego.

As a Hunger Free Activists, you will:

•Increase your understanding of hunger and promising solutions in San Diego County.

•Receive insider reports and curated action alerts on key hunger relief policies impacting your community.

•Get advocacy training to champion hunger relief that works.

•Advocate for hunger relief in ways that work for you - whether it’s joining a legislative visit, making a media appearance, or participating in an advisory group.