Keeping the Kids Fed – Heidi's CalFresh Challenge Continues

Before her CalFresh Challenge began, Heidi shared about her experience budgeting and meal planning for herself as well as her five-year-old daughter and two-year-old son. Read on to learn how Heidi was feeling by Day Four of the CalFresh Challenge.

Parenting on CalFresh

I’m getting nervous when I look at what is left in our fridge and pantry.

Despite my best efforts in planning and budget shopping, the weekend is going to be rough. I mentioned that I’ve been trying to keep things as normal as possible for the kids. It is striking how natural it has been to ration my food in order to protect my children from experiencing the effects of a limited food supply. Serving larger portions to them and setting some aside in case they are still hungry, waiting to see what they eat, and only eating more if they are done, eating their leftovers or saving them for the next day… This is what food insecure parents do on a regular basis to give their children the best chance they can at being healthy.

In San Diego, 44 percent of CalFresh recipients are children. Those kids are at least receiving food assistance, as opposed to the ones in families that have incomes higher than the eligibility cutoff for CalFresh. A two-parent household with two kids has to make less than $49,000/year to qualify. In San Diego, as in many places across the country, you can make a lot more than $49,000 and still be truly struggling to make ends meet.

Interested in how CalFresh helps parents provide their kids with the nutrition they need? Click here to learn more.